The MoU was signed by President of Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi …
November 9, 2022Yesterday our university received a visit from Thailand
– Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT)
RMUTT has 11 faculties and one college (Thai Traditional Medicine College). It is a young public university, which was established in 2005 and located less than 50 km from central Bangkok.
Their visit was initiated by the Faculty of Mechatronics, Informatics and Interdisciplinary Studies
, where RMUTT student is currently working as an intern for 3 months.

At TUL this week they are being guided by our staff member, Assoc. Fatma Yalcinkaya, Ph.D., M.Sc. Tours of the laboratories and exploring Liberec are planned.
During a meeting with the head of the International Office, Mgr. Zuzana Vesela, among others, discussed future cooperation between our universities.
We can look forward to this nice visit again in December, when the deans of all faculties of RMUTT, headed by President Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sommai Pivsa-Art, to officially sign the Memorandum of Cooperation