Innovative Design and Production Center
Innovative Design and Production Center – en

Innovative Design and Production Center is a center of the Faculty of Engineering that has objectives in different operations such as operation in learning management and supporting about CNC automated machine technology for RMUTT students, human development of corporation in manufacturing industries on CNC technology, production services about shaping processes in mechanical parts, automative parts and spare parts, and meeting the needs of public educational institutions and private establishments for researching and development. We also provide operation in design and create artifacts in technology of automatic machines and supporting in researching of RMUTT and industries of Thailand.

Training Courses

  • Basic CNC Milling: FANUC, HEINEHEIN, Basic CNC Turning: FANUC control, Advance CNC Milling, CAD: AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, CAD/CAM: SolidCAM, NX, HyperMill
  • - Phone number: +662 549 4648